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US – AGEM issues call for nominations for seventh Annual Memorial Awards honouring Halle and Mead

By - 1. јул 2022

The Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers (AGEM) today issued a Call for Nominations for the Jens Halle Memorial Award Honoring Excellence in Commercial Gaming Professionalism and the Peter Mead Memorial Award Honoring Excellence in Gaming Media & Communications.

Nomination submissions of 300-700 original words identifying current gaming professionals must be received by Aug. 31, 2021, and must meet the following criteria that aim to capture the unique attributes displayed by Halle and Mead during their storied careers.

Award winners will be announced at G2E in Las Vegas in October.

Previous recipients of the Jens Halle Memorial Award Honoring Excellence in Commercial Gaming Professionalism are Len Ainsworth in 2016, Rick Meitzler in 2017, Gavin Isaacs in 2018, Tom Nieman in 2019, the late Robert “Bob” McMonigle in 2020 and Sebastian Salat in 2021.

Previous recipients of the Peter Mead Memorial Award Honoring Excellence in Gaming Media & Communications are Howard Stutz in 2016, Roger Gros in 2017, Frank Legato in 2018, the late Dave Palermo in 2019, David Orrick in 2020 and Alan Feldman in 2021.

AGEM previously announced the creation of this unique awards program six years ago to acknowledge the lasting impacts on gaming by two distinctive industry veterans following their unexpected deaths in 2015.Halle, a longtime Bally and Novomatic executive in Europe whose career ended as CEO of Merkur Gaming based in Florida, died suddenly on May 20, 2015, at the age of 57. Mead, the founder and publisher of Casino Enterprise Management magazine, died suddenly in Las Vegas on June 24, 2015, at the age of 54.

Jens Halle Memorial Award Honoring Excellence in Commercial Gaming Professionalism
“Nominees must have experience working in the global gaming supplier sector for a minimum of 10 years and possess the following traits and qualities that Jens displayed throughout his working life: Professionalism, business success, international scope, attention to detail and timely follow-up; a willingness to ‘go the extra mile,’ both figuratively and literally; a sense of humanity in an oft-times cutthroat business; a recognition of the importance of a handshake and a fair deal for all; and a dedication to the health of the industry as a whole.”

Peter Mead Memorial Award Honoring Excellence in Gaming Media & Communications
„Номиновани морају имати искуство рада у мејнстрим медијима, штампи за игре на срећу или у ПР/комуникацијама појединачне компаније за игре на срећу најмање 10 година и поседовати следеће особине и квалитете које је Питер показивао током свог радног века: Квалитетно извештавање и комуникација са нагласком на лични контакт за генерисање идеја и прикупљање информација; преузимање ризика и довођење у питање статус куо; изазивање индустрије да размотри нове идеје; и идентификовање поузданих партнера за побољшање целокупног производа.”

Caption: Winners of the AGEM awards in 2019

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