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Таг Арцхивес: Удружење за удаљено коцкање

Бразил – Коцкање на даљину у Бразилу би могло да вреди 2.1 милијарду долара

At a time when the Brazilian Congress and Executive branch are working towards a competitive regulated online gaming market, a KPMG report commissioned by the Remote Gambling Association (RGA), estimates that the size of the market measured in terms of Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) could be worth above R$6.7bn (US$2.1bn). The RGA believes that the…

Portugal – RGA calls for changes to Portugal’s online tax

The body responsible for the online gaming industry the Serviço Regulação e Inspeção de Jogos do Turismo de Portugal (SRIJ) has only issued six licences since Portugal passed its online gaming act two years ago. The Government approved rules for online gambling and betting on April 29, 2015. During this period, the SRIJ received 19…

УК – РГА објављује смернице против прања новца

The Remote Gambling Association (RGA), has published the Second Edition of its publication, ‘Anti-money laundering: Good practice guidelines for the online gambling industry’. The guidelines are designed to help licensed online gambling companies combat the threat of money laundering and terrorist financing in a consistent and effective manner. It covers key areas such as the…

UK – Remote Gambling Association makes two appointments

The Remote Gambling Association (RGA), the largest trade association for remote gambling operators in the world, has announced two new appointments. Paul Morris, former remote gambling lead at the British Gambling Commission, joins the RGA as Director of Regulatory Affairs. On 1 August he will be joined by Pierre Tournier, who will take up the…

Црна Гора – РГА истиче проблеме са пореским приступом Црне Горе

At the first major conference on gambling taxation in Montenegro the Remote Gambling Association (RGA) said that the high levels of taxation imposed on licensed gambling operators would send citizens into the black market. The RGA spoke about its experience of tax regimes across Europe and said that to protect consumers and prevent money laundering…

УК – Трговинска удружења формирају индустријску групу за одговорно коцкање

Трговачка удружења у пет сектора британске индустрије коцкања удружила су се како би формирала Индустријску групу за одговорно коцкање (ИГРГ). Нова група ће омогућити Асоцијацији британских кладионичара (АББ), Британској асоцијацији за забаву и угоститељство (БАЦТА), Бинго удружењу (БА), Националном казино форуму (НЦФ) и удружењу за коцкање на даљину (РГА) да раде…