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Таг Арцхивес: Еуромат самит

Monaco – EUROMAT Summit organisers appreciative of support from Gauselmann Group

From June 4 to 6, Monaco will be the destination of choice for influential leaders of the European amusements and gaming industries as they head to the Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort for the EUROMAT 2018 Summit. The event promises a packed programme, with panels exploring the current issues confronting the gaming and amusements…

EUROMAT Summit: Balancing player experience and protection

There is growing interest in the application of technology to increase player protection. During a session moderated by John Hagan, the panel will discuss the technological applications currently being used to help enhance the player experience and provide consunmer protection. G3 took the opportunity to interview panelist, Phil Horne, CEO of SG Gaming about his views…

EUROMAT Summit: Is self-exclusion working?

During the self-exclusion panel at the EUROMAT Summit, panelists will disucss the proposition: ‘Is self-exclusion working and how do you manage it to be effective. Panelists include BACTA CEO, John White, Intrepid CEO, Eduardo Antoja and the Chairman of VAN, Frits Huffnagel. Below, John White sets out his views on the topic and answers the…

Џејсон Фрост – ЕУРОМАТ се бави кључним питањима на самиту

Појављујући се на бројним панел сесијама на предстојећем ЕУРОМАТ самиту у Монте-Карлу у јуну, председник ЕУРОМАТ-а Џејсон Фрост говори Г3 уочи конференције о важности организације, будућности за индустрију забаве и игара у Европи и шта је следеће за трговинско тело у 2018. Како сте…

Monaco – Matthew Zarb-Cousin to represent Campaign For Fairer Gambling at EUROMAT Summit

Campaign for Fairer Gambling spokesperson, Matt Zarb-Cousin, has confirmed that he will be attending this year’s EUROMAT Summit and joining the panel for the session: Inside Problem Gambling. The EUROMAT Summit is scheduled for June 4 to 6, and will take place at the spectacular Monte Carlo Bay Hotel & Resort. The Summit, now in…