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Таг Арцхивес: Колумбија

Colombia – New Resolution seeks to make Coljuegos advertising regulator

Coljuegos has published a resolution that would give it authority to supervise standards for gaming advertising effectively making it the advertising regulator over the industry. If approved Coljuegos would be able to create rules for advertising, sponsorship, promotion or any other form of commercial communication over online gambling starting at the beginning of next year. It…

Колумбија – Одбор за игре на срећу добија новог председника

Marco Emilio Hincapié Ramírez has become the new president of Colombia’s gaming board Coljuegos. He was appointed after the previous head of the board left two months ago. Hincapié assumes the presidency of Coljuegos after having been manager of the Bogotá Lottery, magistrate of the National Electoral Council and deputy to the Tolima Assembly, as…

Колумбија - Председник Колхуегоса поднео оставку

Председник Кољуегоса Роџер Кариљо поднео је оставку. То место је привремено попунио Самми Либос Зуњига – који ради у Министарству финансија. Рогер Царрилло је именован за директора Цољуегоса путем Уредбе 0288 од 2023. коју је Министарство финансија издало 3. марта, што значи да је на тој позицији био нешто више од...

Колумбија – Председник Колхуегоса биће смењен 

Political infighting over health reform has led the Colombian President Gustavo Petro to order the resignation of the president of Coljuegos. The information was revealed by W Radio via sources in the Department of the Presidency. The president’s request is  part of a reshuffle as a number of vice  ministers, affiliated with the El Partido de la Unión por la Gente…

Colombia- Gaming industry provides boost to health service

The Colombian gambling control board (Coljuegos) announced that in January, it collected $81,248 million pesos (US$16.8 million) an increase of 27.5 per cent, compared to the same period last year. Transfers to the health service amounted to $265,936 million pesos (almost US$55m), which reflected a growth of 24.3 per cent compared to 2022. In January…

Colombia – Naming of new Coljuegos President imminent

There is growing speculation that a former councillor of Bogotá Roger Carrillo has been slated to be the new president of Coljuegos. Once in office he will be responsible for managing more than $500 billion in government transfers to the health service. Although not yet official Roger Carrillo’s appointment will be controversial as he was recently…

Colombia – Congress approves tax reform bill

Congress has approved a new tax on prizes. The increased taxes are based on taxes on occasional taxable profit —which includes inheritances, life insurance indemnities, lotteries and raffles. The changes would come into force next year. The taxes were part of a much tax reform bill that aimed to raise an additional 20tn pesos (US$4bn)…

Colombia – Government continues crackdown on illegal gambling

Coljuegos, reported that it carried out 41 inspections in the department of Córdoba and that it removed 544 gaming machines that were operating illegally. They also announced the signing of a Pact for Legality in the Gambling Sector with the department. In a statement, Coljuegos added that if the machines had been operating legally, then…

Колумбија – Поднета оптужница у случају преваре у спортском клађењу  

Тужилаштво је подигло оптужницу против четири особе које су оптужене да су део криминалне мреже посвећене вршењу преваре путем онлајн спортског клађења. Међу оптуженима је и један руски држављанин који је такође оптужен да је шпијун. Судија послао у затвор руског држављанина Сергеја Вагина...