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Japan – Sands lays out parameters for local partner in Yokohama

By - 11. новембра 2019

Las Vegas Sands Managing Director of Global Development, George Tanasijevich has said the integrated resort destined for Yokohama should become an iconic part of the city’s skyline like Marina Bay Sands has in Singapore.

Speaking at an event in Yokohama promoting the 1st Japan IR Expo in Yokohama, to be held in January, Mr. Tanasijevich said: “I want to create entertainment not yet seen before. I want to make a Yokohama a place I want to visit over and over again. I want to build an iconic building like MBS. However, it should be a building completely different from MBS and other IRs. I want it to be unique, complementing and integrating with existing infrastructure. For that purpose, I want a Japanese partner and develop a business understanding of what is needed in the area. I hope to be a welcome presence and enjoy growth along with Japanese business.”

“I want to collaborate with residents and take it in the right direction,” he added. “Perhaps we will all be able to see the results we have achieved in Singapore. I want to use that experience to create an amazing IR in Yokohama.”

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