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Japan – Mohegan Gaming evaluating Japanese options after Hokkaido exit

By - 9. децембар 2019

Having recently opened an office in in the city of Tomakomai in the Hokkaido prefecture, Mohegan Gaming and Entertainment has been hit more than most following Governor Naomichi Suzuki decision to pull Hokkaido from the race for a Japanese IR.

In a statement, Mohegan CEO Mario Kontomerkos said: “We are evaluating our options regarding Hokkaido. Although the outcome is not what we had hoped for, we understand the position of Governor Suzuki and respect his judgment regarding IR development in Hokkaido. We are especially grateful for the warm hospitality shown to us by the people of Hokkaido, our partners and our friends. We will continue to elevate the global integrated resort concept in Northern Asia via our Inspire development in South Korea, and we remain committed to the broader region.”

Хокаидо, најсјеверније од главних јапанских острва, одустао је од своје понуде за интегрисано одмаралиште (ИР) са гувернером Наомичијем Сузукијем наводећи забринутост за животну средину, а процена животне средине ће вероватно трајати до три године.

Гувернер Сузуки је рекао: „Као резултат пажљивог разматрања, дошао сам до закључка да бих желео да дам прилику за ИР понуду, међутим локација кандидата ће вероватно бити станиште ретких животиња и биљака, и одговарајућих еколошких разматрања било би немогуће у ограниченом распореду.”

As well as Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment, Rush Street Japan and Hard Rock International had also set up offices in Hokkaido.

Japanese tourism company Kamori Kanko, once the biggest operator of ski resorts in the US, had also confirmed it wants to bring a casino to its ambitious vision for a regional integrated resort in Hokkaido’s Rusutsu Village, located in the Shiribeshi sub-prefecture in Hokkaido.

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