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Colombia – Colombian gaming regulator grants 16th licence

By - 16. октобар 2018

Gaming regulator Coljuegos has granted a local gaming company Servicios Distrired S.A.S permission to operate online gaming in Colombia for five years taking the total number of licences to 16.

The Head of Coljuegos Juan B. Pérez Hidalgo welcomed the news saying that it was further proof that both local and foreign companies were eager to invest in Colombia’s online gaming market, which has already attracted more than one and a half million players and as a result generates more resources for national health.

“It has been two years since Coljuegos authorized online gaming through third parties, which has allowed for a reported income, of $22,972m from January to September of 2018, which is transferred to the health sector, with which it can serve about 29,000 people through the subsidised (health) regime,” the official said.

“According to the latest statistics (as of September 2018), a total of 1,525,082 registered accounts have been registered via the different authorized online operators, which with the entry of more operators, can count on a wide range of entertainment options in accordance with their tastes and the offer, which have been generated by the different authorized pages of the online betting market, “he added.

The head of the gaming board concluded by warning Colombians of the fines and penalties for non-compliance including penalties of six to eight years in prison and heavy fines for those found to be operating illegal gaming establishments.
Servicios Distrired S.A.S will operate sports betting via www.megapuesta.co. Based in the second-largest city in Colombia Medellín, Servicios Distrired S.A.S is focused on the Colombian gambling sector.

Закони о онлајн играма у Колумбији почели су да се пооштравају након што је закон усвојен 2016. Према новим прописима, оператери којима је додељена лиценца морају да се придржавају низа строгих обавеза и да испуњавају техничке услове према условима које им је одобрила држава. У међувремену, Цољуегос је уз помоћ Националне полиције наставио да управља блокирањем неовлашћених веб страница, додатно јачајући сектор.

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