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Оператер Невс

Argentina – Eight operators interested in Buenos Aires slot tender

By - 4. април 2018

Eight companies have so far expressed an interest in taking part in the upcoming licensing process for the slot machines in the casinos in Buenos Aires province.

According to local daily La Nación, Codere, Enjoy and Boldt (the current operator of the slot machines in the casinos in the province) are amongst the companies that have bought the terms and conditions in return for $500,000 with companies based in Paraguay and Brazil also taking part.

Седам казина ће бити тендерисано у три лота, који комбинују најпрофитабилније и најмање профитабилне собе, тако да постоје понуде за сва казина. Тендер за слотове за Трилениум у граду Тигре (највећи казино до сада) биће расписан уз казино у приморском летовалишту Пинамар. Слотови у Централном казину у летовалишту Мар дел Плата биће понуђени заједно са Монте Хермосо, док ће слотови за казино Ермитаж (такође у Мар дел Плати) бити понуђени заједно са слотовима у казинима у градовима Тандил и Мирамар .

The first company to buy the terms and condition was Boldt SA. Boldt operates 2,600 slot machines in the province of Buenos Aires. The second company to sign up was Yojne SA, an anagram of Enjoy, the Chilean firm that owns the Conrad of Punta del Este and the Mendoza casino. The third list was acquired by Codere. Smaller locally based companies, Bingo Pilar SA and Victoria Casino also bought the terms and conditions.

Under current rules, operators of the slots of the Buenos Aires casinos are left with around 55 per cent of the “net win” generated by slot machines. The province receives the remaining 45 per cent per cent of this but must pay for maintenance, salaries and uniforms as well as services and security. Unlike bingo halls, casinos belong to the province.

The opening of envelopes was scheduled for last Tuesday, but has been extended and will now be held between June 11 and 27 in the Office of Provincial Administration and Finance. Licences will run for a period of twenty years, with the possibility of an extension for one additional year.

Тендерски процес за 3,860 аутомата који раде у седам казина озваничен је након што се Резолуција 34/2018 појавила 30. јануара у Службеном гласнику владе. Према резолуцији, нови оператер ће морати да инвестира у преко потребна побољшања зграда и инфраструктуре и дозвољено му је да гради додатне садржаје за забаву.

The purpose of the tender will be to “contract the provision and maintenance of automated gaming machines, the on-line control of the same, the remodelling, construction and / or cession and enhancement of the different gaming rooms and a variety of complementary services and annexes to gaming activity ” according to the resolution. The last casino tender in Buenos Aires province was in 1999, and since then all licence extensions and licences have been granted by resolutions or by decree.

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