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Оператер Невс

Швајцарска – Швајцарска се приближава споразуму са Лихтенштајном око добровољно забрањених коцкара

By - 23. јануар 2023

The Swiss federal government wants to sign an agreement with the Principality of Liechtenstein to prevent players voluntarily banned in Switzerland from gambling across the border.

The Lucerne government has already welcomed the agreement, as can be seen from the consultation response it addressed to the Federal Department of Justice and Police with Lucerne’s Justice and Security Director Paul Winiker stating: “We support the objective of the agreement, which aims to strengthen the protection of players against excessive gambling. The agreement is an important milestone” in the field of player protection.”

The SVP government council wants to go even further and is hoping for ‘deeper cross-border cooperation’ in other countries.

It states though that neither ‘the geographical location and density of the casinos nor the legal situation is comparable’ for other countries as it is with Liechtenstein. The agreement specifies which categories of data will be exchanged: surname and first name, date of birth, nationality and date of issue of the block. The type and reason for the ban will not be communicated to the organisers of games in the other country.

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