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Таг Арцхивес: Невада

US – Nevada sets all sorts of records in 2023

Nevada’s casinos set a new annual gaming revenue record for the third consecutive year, amassing $15.bn in gaming revenue in 2023, marking a 4.6 per cent increase from the previous year. Casinos on the Las Vegas Strip casinos generated a record-breaking $8.9bn in revenue, marking a 7.4 per cent increase and contributing over 57 per cent to the state’-wide’s GGR total….

US – Formula 1 helps drive Nevada to its second most profitable month in November

Nevada’s casinos enjoyed their second-highest win ever, fuelled by the excitement surrounding the return of Formula One racing, which boosted the Strip’s performance by 22.6 per cent. Only July earlier in the year was more lucrative for casinos in Nevada meaning that the state smashed its personal best twice in 2023. Across the state, casinos generated $1.37bn,…

САД – Температуре и приходи достижу рекордне нивое у Невади

July saw record temperatures and record gaming revenue for Nevada as the state and the Las Vegas Strip generated their best ever revenues.  Nevada’s total came in at $1.4bn, up by 6.7 per cent or $88m, compared to last year, fuelled by the third best slot revenue in history and the best baccarat hold since 2003. …

САД – Стеве Винн пристаје на ефективну забрану индустрије коцкања у Невади

Бивши извршни директор компаније Винн Ресортс Стеве Винн пристао је на ефективну забрану коцкарске индустрије у Невади у нагодби због његовог наводног сексуалног злостављања са бившим запосленима. Поред још једне велике казне (10 милиона долара) за окончање дугогодишње правне битке, нагодба потписана 17. јула са Одбором за контролу игара на срећу Неваде значи да г.

US – Nevada Gaming Control Board warns of cage scam sweeping the nation

The Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) has sent a warning to all Nevada’s casino licensees to warn of a fraudulent scam occurring in Nevada and across the country. The scam targets casino cage employees, and the largest known incident netted $1.17m. Criminal subjects use social engineering tactics to pose as casino executives. The subjects direct…

САД – Милијарда долара плус месеци су нова норма за Неваду, али да ли би Стрип ускоро могао да достигне прекретницу?

Најбољи фебруар у Лас Вегас Стрипу до сада је помогао да држава Невада гурне још једну милијарду долара плус месец, обележавајући две године узастопних месеци од милијарду долара и поставља питање; да ли је ово сада норма за Неваду? Стрип, са 1 казина, остварио је приход од 28 милиона долара, што је повећање са 712.4 милиона долара у фебруару 599.1.

САД – Центар града Неваде ужива најбољи месец са рекордних 90.4 милиона долара ГГР у октобру

Nevada’s Downtown casinos had their best ever month revenue-wise in October helping the State to its 20th consecutive month of generating more than $1bn. State-wide, revenues came in at $1.28bn in October, up 4.8 per cent year-on-year and up 25.3 per cent from October 2019. Downtown’s GGR surged by 19 per cent to a record…

US – Nevada celebrates 18 consecutive months of $1bn revenues

With the Las Vegas Strip now surging way passed pre-pandemic levels, Nevada’s casino revenues went passed the $1bn mark for the 18th consecutive month. Nevada’s casinos generated $1.2bn in gaming win in August, marking a 3.53 per cent increase compared to August 2021. Casinos on the Strip produced $659.7m in GGR, an increase of 5.1…

САД – ФСБ обезбеђује лиценцу Неваде

FSB has secured official licensing approval from the Nevada Gaming Control Board in their latest public hearing. Following a unanimous recommendation from the NGCB earlier in the month, the awarding of the Manufacturers and Information Service Provider licence was officially rubber stamped on September 22nd in Las Vegas. The procurement of the licence enables FSB…