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САД – ТЦС Џон Хаксли ће показати Корек на Г2Е

By - 13. септембар 2021

TCS John Huxley will be showing visitors to G2E Las Vegas just how flexible and eye-catching Qorex layout configurations are. With a modular design, Qorex terminals can be networked and configured anywhere on the gaming floor, from as little as one electronic terminal to innovative carousel arrangements and large-scale stadium set ups.​​​​​​ Qorex provides unlimited electronic gaming solutions for any casino floor.

A spokesperson said: “G2E will be a great opportunity to showcase the Qorex HiLite Signage System, which is a range of products designed to complement the Qorex cabinet featuring LED displays and podiums that connect to the centralised system for full synchronization of the game. TCS John Huxley’s Qorex Electronic Gaming Solutions combines the experience of live table gaming whilst delivering the benefits of electronic gaming such as multi-game selection and improved security, maximizing performance, and profitability. This follows a successful installation at the iconic STRAT Hotel & Casino – the first Las Vegas property to feature Qorex.”

G2E will also provide the perfect showcase for the TCS Ora range of Winning Number Displays. Visitors will be able to see a diverse portfolio with a variety of sizes, finishes and frame options that offer a stylish and vibrant solution for every game. Available in both landscape and portrait, with a range of single or double-sided screen sizes, plus the ability to choose designs that feature eye-catching LED’s that can be used to illustrate trends, table minimums or attract modes, the TCS John Huxley range of Ora Winning Number Displays can provide a new dimension of game excitement and atmosphere in your casino.

In terms of roulette wheel development, TCS John Huxley was the first to introduce the low-profile wheel to today’s Saturn Roulette Wheel range with its many built in security features. Visitors will be able to see the most comprehensive range of world-renowned Roulette Wheels along with how TCS John Huxley offers the highest quality craftsmanship and the latest in technology integration with an unprecedented number of quality control checks to ensure the integrity, reliability, and security of every TCS John Huxley Roulette Wheel.

As the industry’s only patented table technology to project custom video animations through the layout, Blaze has proven to be an exciting addition to any gaming floor, displaying animations on the gaming surface and making Blaze one of a kind. Using energy-efficient LED lights that are fitted below the surface of the gaming table, Blaze delivers flexibility, reliability, and unique graphic capabilities. The system is fully automated highlighting winning numbers and light sequences on the betting area which confirm the game’s status, assisting dealers and security staff to easily monitor game play, as well as assisting new and inexperienced players to understand key stages of the game.

Finally, the company has an ‘unrivalled’ range of layouts. “Designed to withstand 24/7-hour operations, our industry-leading layouts are long-lasting, meaning that your layouts will look good for longer whilst colors continue to stay vibrant. With virtually unlimited scope in design and color, our vibrant table layouts can be fully customized to table sizes and designs making them the perfect playing surface for your customers and dealers,” the spokesperson said.

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