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Оператер Невс

САД – Обновљена лиценца за Харрах'с Пхиладелпхиа Цасино и Рацетрацк

By - 16. децембар 2021

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board has unanimously voted to renew the Category 1 Racetrack Casino operator’s license of Harrah’s Chester Downs and Marina, LLC, operator of Harrah’s Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack in Delaware County.

The seven-member Board determined that Harrah’s Chester Downs and Marina, LLC had fulfilled the obligations under its previously approved casino operator’s license and therefore qualified to have its license renewed for an additional five-year period.

The decision to renew the license was based on a process utilised by the Board that enables both the operator and the public to provide information relevant to the renewal decision. A public input hearing was held on June 30th of this year in the casino’s host municipality,the City of Chester, where personnel of Harrah’s Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack submitted exhibits and presented testimony on various aspects of the facility’s operation since its last license renewal was granted. The public was also permitted to provide testimony about the casino and its impact in the community.

У доношењу своје одлуке, Одбор је такође добио информације од званичника локалне самоуправе, друштвених група и Државне полиције ПА, заједно са Канцеларијом саветника за извршење при Одбору за контролу игара на срећу, Бироом за истраге и извршење, Канцеларијом за компулзивно и проблематично играње и Бироом за Усклађеност са казином.

Additionally, a public hearing was held in Harrisburg today to permit Board members to further question Harrah’s Chester Downs and Marina, LLC representatives about any remaining issues prior to voting on the renewal.

Since its opening in January 2007, Harrah’s Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack has generated $4.2bn in gross revenue from the play of slot machines, table games, sports wagering and iGaming resulting in a return to the Commonwealth of approximately $2.37 billion in gaming tax revenue. Harrah’s Philadelphia Casino and Racetrack currently operates 1,700 slot machines, 77 table games, Caesars retail and online sport wagering, Caesars online casino including the WSOP.com poker site, while currently employing nearly 700.

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