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Супплиер Невс

УС – АГЕМ индекс порастао је за 5.39 поена у децембру

By - 8. јануар 2020

The AGEM Index increased by 5.39 points in December 2019 to 546.04 points, a one per cent gain from November 2019. The growth was driven largely by Aristocrat Leisure Limited, which accounted for 7.30 points of the AGEM Index’s monthly gain.

A stronger Australian dollar accounted for Aristocrat’s index gain as the company’s stock price declined slightly. Crane Co. (CR) experienced a four per cent stock price gain from $83.07 to $86.38, which led to an index contribution of 3.28 points. Overall, most AGEM Index companies reported decreases in stock price during the month, with five trending positively and eight moving negatively.

The major stock indices performed well as the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 experienced monthly growth of 1.7 per cent and 2.9 per cent, respectively. The NASDAQ also experienced a strong gain of 3.5 per cent.

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