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УК – Клађење на Спорт ће попунити два спрата Олимпије у септембру

By - 27. април 2018

Over 2,000 delegates from across the world will make their way to the Betting on Sports Week to join the international betting and gaming trade conferences, held September 18 to 21 at Olympia London.

200+ speakers will join the discussions around leadership, sports, sponsorship, sports betting, esports, affiliates, regulation, compliance, integrity, data and trading – this is the must attend event for members of the sports, betting and gaming industries.

This year, the exhibition area has been expanded to 6,300 sqm with 140 exhibitors, enhanced networking areas, meeting rooms, and of course refreshments, lunch and networking drinks. This space provides a great chance for delegates to both experience the new products on display and generate new business opportunities.

Да би се олакшало пословање и умрежавање међу делегатима, постоји чак осам наменских подручја за умрежавање са пуно умрежавања и могућности 1-на-1, док је СБЦ резервисао нека од најпознатијих места у Лондону за умрежавање пића и журки.

Wednesday evening dinners and party is located on the 28th and 29th floor of Millbank Tower, with stunning 360 degree view of London. Big windows wrapping right around the venue, will ensure a perfect panoramic view of London at night time.

Thursday evening will mark the exclusive Hall of Fame awards evening and networking party at one of London’s most iconic venues, the Natural History Museum.

It’s a year of growth for SBC, who attracted a record number of delegates to last month’s Betting on Football conference and recently launched the SBC Americas and Casino Beats news websites. That growth will be reflected in an even wider ranging selection of conference tracks.

ESI London is a two-day esports business conference, run by the team from Esports Insider, with the central theme of bridging the gap between expertise and interest. Topics will include, among others, brand building, content, law and compliance and the importance of a strong PR strategy for esports. Betting on Sports ticket holders have access to ESI London, and there are also ticket options just for the esports event itself.

Affiliate Insider will also be hosting its invite-only AffiliateFEST forum on Wednesday with the aim of providing accelerated digital lessons for iGaming affiliate entrepreneurs. Attendees will be able to learn the latest digital strategies from a selection of experienced iGaming experts.

Taking place at the Hilton Hotel, the SBC Sponsorship Forum event is hosted by former chief commercial officer of AC Milan, Jaap Kalma. The exclusive invite-only gathering will address opportunities around sports sponsorship, while facilitating direct introductions between sports clubs and gaming operators.

Генерални директор СБЦ-а Ендру Мекарон је уоквирио догађај: „БОСЦОН 2018 је кључна тачка за све који су укључени у посао кладионица. Ове године смо неуморно радили на изградњи и побољшању у свим областима, до тачке у којој конференција и изложба сада заузимају два пуна спрата Олимпије. Уз то, имамо чак осам наменских области за пословање и умрежавање, што омогућава бескрајне могућности делегатима да се окупе и разговарају о горућим темама дана.“

Reflecting on last year’s Betting on Sports, Richard Gale, Head of UK at Catena Media, offered a fitting testimonial: “The Betting on Sports conference was great, and it was a true pleasure to speak at the event. I thoroughly enjoyed it, with some great contacts/business coming out of it. I’m normally very sceptical of industry events to be honest, but this was the first time I’ve left wishing I’d spent more time at one!”

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