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Таг Арцхивес: Рио Лас Вегас

САД – Дреамсцапе прикупља 850 милиона долара за реновирање Рио Лас Вегаса

Dreamscape Companies, a New York-based real estate development and investment firm, has said it will renovate its Rio Hotel & Casino Las Vegas and create two divisions of resort casino businesses with $850m of capital it has raised. The capital raised will launch two independent Dreamscape platforms: Dreamscape Entertainment Properties, an experiential real estate investment trust that…

САД – Рио Лас Вегас ће се удружити са Хиатт-ом за реновирање имовине

Hyatt Hotels Corporation has announced that a Hyatt affiliate has entered into franchise agreements with an affiliate of Dreamscape Companies, which will lead the renovation of the Rio Las Vegas. The multi-phase project is expected to bring multiple Hyatt full-service offerings to Las Vegas, one of the most visited leisure, group, and convention markets in…