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Таг Арцхивес: President Obrador

Мексико – Нема више казино лиценци за државу Доња Калифорнија

The state of Baja California has published decree 197 in the Official Gazette, through which it prohibits the authorization of any more casinos in the state. The decree modifies state urban development laws and is believed to be a direct response to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s recent statements on gambling. In a press…

Mexico – Mayor of Mexicali defends new licenses 

The mayoress of Mexicali, Norma Bustamante Martínez, stated that she will look into the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s, recent statements regarding gambling and the licensing of casinos. Last week Obrador said that he would not grant any new permits to open casinos and warned further that if any licenses had been issued in the last…

Mexico – President says he will revoke all casino licenses granted over the last four years

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, declared that his government will not grant new permits to open casinos and warned that if any licenses have been issued in the last four years of his government that they will be revoked. In a press conference, Obrador reaffirmed his anti gambling stance and announced that he would request a report…