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Таг Арцхивес: Нортх Марианас

Нортх Марианас – Најбољи Сунсхине који тражи инвестицију за завршетак Гранд Марина

Бест Сунсхине Интернатионал, у власништву Империал Пацифиц Интернатионал Холдингс Лимитед, тражи инвеститоре који ће прикупити 550 милиона долара за завршетак изградње свог Гранд Мариана Цасино & Хотела у Гарапану, Саипан, на Северним Маријанским острвима. Гранд Марина је део свеукупног развоја намењеног за Саипан, највеће острво на Северним Маријанским острвима…

North Marianas – Tinian Mayor moves to form Gaming Commission

Having taken steps towards its reopening, Tinian Mayor Joey Patrick San Nicolas remains hopeful that the casino will reopen even though the operator behind Tinian Dynasty Hotel & Casino filed for bankruptcy on December 11 and in light of several ‘wilful and repeat violations.’ The Tinian Casino Gaming Control Commission Tinian Casino Gaming Control Commission…

North Marianas – Imperial Pacific confirms soft Saipan opening

Imperial Pacific International has now held a soft opening for a temporary casino on the Pacific Island of Saipan in Northern Mariana Islands, as it builds the permanent facility. Imperial, one of the largest junket operators in Macau, wants to build the permanent complex, with around 4,000 hotel rooms, over five years with the final…

Северни Маријани – Планови за казино одмаралиште са темом Титаника испловили су у Тиниан

Two major investors are planning to build a Titanic-themed casino on Tinian in the Northern Marianas having been given the green from the Tinian Casino Gaming Control Commission. Bridge Investment Group and its major shareholders, Silvia Siu and Xianjun Meng have been ruled as suitable investors for a casino license by the Commission. Bridge is…

North Marianas – Saipan casino plan to prop up pension fund

The Northern Marianas parliament is looking at bringing casino gaming to the island of Saipan once again with the House of Representatives filing a completely new measure, its fourth attempt to pave the way for casinos in four years. The proposal for a Saipan casino licence would see investors need to spend US$30m as an…