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Таг Арцхивес: Ново отварање

Порторико – Ел Тропицал Цасино се отвара у Плаја ла Фортуни

У Порторику је отворен нови казино. Ово је први хотел Фаирфиелд би Марриотт на Карибима. Смештен испред одмаралишта Лукуилло Беацх у Плаја ла Фортуни, Фаирфиелд би Марриотт Лукуилло Беацх & Ел Тропицал Цасино има 104 собе. Простирући се на 17,500 квадратних метара, казино нуди 9,000 квадратних стопа…

US – Resorts World Catskills to open three weeks early

Resorts World Catskills has decided to open the doors of its luxury casino resort to the public for the first time on February 8, three weeks ahead of schedule. The opening comes several weeks ahead of the March 1 opening date under the terms of the casino license, issued by the New York State Gaming…

US – Graton Resort Casino on course for November 15 opening

The Federated Indians of Graton Rancheria Tribal Council has confirmed that the US$175m Graton Resort & Casino will open in Rohnert Park, California, on November 15. The six-storey hotel features 184 rooms and 16 suites. The casino will open with over 120 table games, 3,000 slots and more linked progressives than any casino in the…

Канада – Гатеваи потврђује отварање Гранд Вилла Едмонтон 7. септембра

Gateway Casinos & Entertainment has confirmed that the Grand Villa Edmonton will open its doors to the public on Wednesday, September 7 at 7pm. Gateway’s newest property in ICE District will have 60,000 square feet of entertainment space, 24 gaming tables and 600 slots; the Grand Villa will be an exceptional addition to Edmonton’s vibrant…

Кина – Студио Цити се отвара уз холивудске фанфаре, али нема ВИП столова

Студио Цити, ризорт са кинематографском темом вредан 3.2 милијарде америчких долара, сада је отворио своја врата, најављујући нову еру забаве светске класе, која ће редефинисати Макао као заиста међународну туристичку дестинацију. Упркос црвеном тепиху који мења ципеле познатих и ВИП личности, место је отворено без ВИП соба и ВИП столова...

САД – Допуна је завршена за Луцки Драгон из Лас Вегаса

Penta Building Group has completed the hotel structure of Lucky Dragon, a Chinese themed casino being built at the north end of the Las Vegas Strip. The project, which includes a nine-story hotel tower and a separate casino building, has slipped under the radar alongside much bigger projects such as the Chinese-themed Resorts World Las…

US – Oneida tribe opens Yellow Brick Road Casino

The Oneida Indian Nation has pulled back the emerald curtain to reveal a stunning, brand-new, US$20m, 60,000 square-foot Yellow Brick Road Casino in the Village of Chittenango in Upstate New York. Oneida Nation Representative and Nation Enterprises CEO Ray Halbritter, Central New York Building Trades President Pat Costello, Chittenango Mayor Ronny Goeler, and President of…

САД – Цезарс отвара Хорсесхое Цасино Балтиморе

Horseshoe Casino Baltimore celebrated its grand opening in style with a star-studded celebration to welcome Baltimore’s most influential citizens to Charm City’s newest attraction. The opening night festivities began with a special gathering for dignitaries in the casino’s outdoor entertainment plaza and included remarks from Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley and the Mayor of Baltimore Stephanie…

САД – СЛС доноси нови живот северном крају Стрипа

SLS Las Vegas, the culmination of a years-long, US$415m renovation of the legendary Sahara, has now opened its doors welcoming the public back to the North end of the iconic Las Vegas Strip. A fully-integrated, entertainment-driven resort and casino with more than 1,600 guest rooms and suites, SLS Las Vegas features a curated collection of…