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Таг Арцхивес: општинска казина

Чиле – Резултати чилеанског општинског тендера за казино заказан за јун

Очекује се да ће резултати тендера за седам чилеанских општинских казина бити објављени између 1. и 19. јуна, наводи локална штампа. Лиценце за казина су на тендеру у општинама Арика, Икике, Кокимбо, Виња дел Мар, на слици, Пукон, Пуерто Варас и Пуерто Наталес. Док само два оператера уживају у…

Chile – Trouble ahead for Chile’s municipal tender process

Chilean company Marina del Sol has raised serious objections to the Chilean Gaming Board’s (SJC) upcoming bidding process for the seven municipal casino licences. The operator claims that gross revenue estimates and visitor numbers issued by the SJC as part of the tender process are misleading. In a legal appeal the company has raised questions…

Чиле – Чиле ће одржати саслушање о тендеру за нове лиценце

As part of the preparation process ahead of the upcoming tender process for the municipal licences the Chilean Gaming Control Board (SJC) will hold a public hearing on Wednesday April 20 in order to respond to questions from those directly concerned. The news comes after the SCJ published the requirements for the upcoming process via…

Chile – Chile publishes details for Municipal Tender Process

The Chilean Gaming Board (SJC) has published the requirements for the upcoming tender process for the municipal casino licences. In a statement published on its website the SJC’s Resolution Council lays down the minimum requirements for the new licences including a guaranteed minimum financial bid depending on the size and location of the new casino….

Chile – Chile Gaming Board comes under fire for new rules

The Chilean Gaming Control Board (SJC) has come under fire over new rules regarding regulations over the processing and granting of licences for casinos. Operators used a recent public consultation process to express their fears and anger over new laws when the board received comments from the industry and the general public, over recent proposals…

Чиле – Шеф чилеанског одбора за игре на срећу истиче промене у индустрији

Шеф чилеанског одбора за контролу игара на срећу (СЦЈ), Ренато Хамел, указао је на важност општинских дозвола у кругу састанака у Хонг Конгу и Макау. Седнице је организовао Комитет за страна улагања у оквиру Недеље Чилеа 2015, трговинског и инвестиционог семинара коме је присуствовало 120…

Chile – Chile extends municipal casino licenses

The President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet, has signed into law new regulations, which extend the licenses of the seven municipal casinos in Chile. The new rules extend the licenses until December 2017 in the districts of Vina del Mar, Arica, Iquique, Puerto Varas, Coquimbo, Pucon and Puerto Natales, which all expired on December 31, 2015….

Чиле – Доњи дом одобрава амандмане за продужење општинских дозвола

With 77 votes in favour and six abstentions, the Chilean Chamber of Deputies has approved a number of significant amendments to Chile’s gaming laws including the extension of municipal licences for a further two years. The decision was made after a report was submitted by the Finance Minister Alberto Arenas who called on parliamentarians to…

Chile – Chile Finance Minister presents new municipal casino law

Finance Minister Alberto Arenas has presented a new law before the Finance Committee in the Chamber of Deputies which would amend Chile’s gaming laws and allow for the operation of and extension of the municipal casinos for two more years. The initiative extends the municipal casino licences until December 2017 in Arica, Iquique, Coquimbo, Viña…