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Таг Арцхивес: Мексико

Мексико – Улагање на чекању јер се настављају судске битке око забране слотова

The Association of Permit Holders, Operators, and Suppliers of the Entertainment and Betting Industry in Mexico (AIEJA) announced that a group of operators had managed to temporarily halt the reform to Mexico’s Federal Law on Games and Sweepstakes.  In an interview with Mexican media outlet Reforma, the president of the AIEJA, Miguel Ángel Ochoa said…

Mexico – Lawmakers propose limits on number of casino licenses per administration

Senators Geovanna Bañuelos, Cora Pinedo Alonso, Martha Márquez and Joel Padilla, of the The Labour Party (PT), have put forward a project that aims to limit the number of casino permits during the first years of each federal administration. The initiative aims to reform article 3 of Mexico’s Federal Law on Games and Sweepstakes. The lawmakers propose that licenses…

Мексико – Оператери предузимају правне мере против забране аутомата

Један број оператера затражио је од правосуђа да прогласи неуставним председнички декрет од 16. новембра који забрањује аутомате за игре на срећу и скраћује време трајања дозвола за казино, између осталих ограничења. Најмање дванаест власника дозвола и оператера казина поднело је налог ампаро (правни захтев у Мексику да уставна права буду делотворна) у…

Мексико – АИЕЈА планира следеће кораке против забране слота

The President of the Association of Permit Holders, Operators and Suppliers of the Entertainment and Gambling Industry in Mexico (AIEJA), Miguel Ángel Ochoa has come out against the recent ban on slot machines put in place by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.   Ochoa said that the AIEJA was working on two strategies…

Mexico – President bans slots

The government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has banned slots in casinos and other gambling facilities.  With a decree signed by the President and published last Thursday (16 November), the Regulations of the Federal Law on Games and Sweepstakes have been reformed so that “number or symbol draws through machines” namely slots are now banned starting last week. However…

Мексико – Сенатор предлаже измене закона како би се омогућила казина у Акапулку

Senator Alejandro Rojas Díaz Durán has put forward a new proposal that would reform Mexico’s Betting and Raffles Law and would allow for the opening of casinos in Acapulco. The senator wants casinos to be given the green light in order to attract investment after Hurricane Otis made landfall in October. Speaking in the senate…

Мексико – Винпот инсталира 200 Зитро ормара

Након њиховог дебија на Г2Е Лас Вегасу, нове игре из Зитроа стигле су у Мексико: Фу Фрог и Фу Потс. Дизајниране искључиво за ормаре Иллусион Гларе и Аллуре Гларе, ове игре са различитим темама деле заједничку механику играња. У Фу Фрог, играчи ће се сусрести са три харизматичне жабе као главне ликове, док ће у…

Mexico – Unions express concerns over new slot reform bill

Casino workers unions have issued a stark warning over the decree currently being prepared by the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) regarding various provisions of the regulations of Mexico’s gaming laws which would ban slot machines in casinos. According to union leaders the ban could lead to as many as 100,000 job losses in Mexico,…

Мексико – Спекулације о забрани аутомата расту

Speculation in the national press over a potential ban on slots in casinos is growing. According to Mexican broadsheet El Universal The  Ministry of the Interior (Segob) headed by Luisa María Alcalde is working on the decree prepared by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador which would not only ban slot machines but would reduce the…