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Таг Арцхивес: Мелбурн

Australia – Crown holds onto Melbourne licence despite being slammed as ‘illegal, dishonest, unethical and exploitative’

Australia’s Crown Resorts has managed to hold onto its licence to operate its casino in Melbourne despite a royal commission slamming the company for being ‘illegal, dishonest, unethical and exploitative.’ Having detailed a ‘litany of failings’ by Crown including the fact it had ‘facilitated money laundering,’ Commissioner, Ray Finkelstein said a special manager should be…

Аустралија – Круна приморана да се затвори јер Викторија уводи треће закључавање

Crown Melbourne has been forced to shut up shop for the third time as the Australian state of Victoria committed to a seven day lockdown. A hotel quarantine breach has caused a spike in COVID cases with the government saying residents can only leave their home for food and supplies, essential work, exercise with one…

Аустралија – Викторија да спроведе сопствену истрагу о подобности за Цровн да ради у Мелбурну

Australian casino operator Crown Resorts will have its suitability as an operator checked on all fronts with the Victorian Government confirming that a Royal Commission will investigate the company’s suitability to hold a casino license for Crown Melbourne. Following the Bergin Inquiry into the operator’s suitability for Sydney, an inquest has also been launched in…

Australia – Crown Melbourne forced to shut for another six weeks as COVID spikes

Crown Resorts flagship casino in Melbourne will remain shut for at least another six weeks following Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews’ announcement that the city was reentering the Stage 3 lockdown. Victorians will only be allowed out to shop for food, exercise, work when it can’t be done form home and to care for the elderly…

Australia – Crown forced to shut after social-distancing is ruled out

Australian casino Crown Resorts has been told to close the main gaming floor at its Melbourne casino with the Victorian government saying the casino is no longer exempt from social-distancing rules aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus. Premier Daniel Andrews said: “We’re not confident the measures that were in place and were appropriate are…

Australia – Victoria government rejects Crown’s delay to One Queensbridge

Australian casino operator Crown Resorts will have to reconsider its options regarding the construction of Australia’s tallest building with its request to delay the start of its build rejected by the Victoria government. The 323-meter, 90-story One Queensbridge tower would have been built at the company’s existing casino resort in Melbourne at a cost of…

Аустралија – Круна кажњена са 300,000 долара због коришћења дугмади за брисање

Викторијанска комисија за коцкање и регулацију алкохолних пића (ВЦГЛР) казнила је Цровн Ресортс, оператера Цровн Мелбоурне, јединог казина у Викторији, са 300,000 АУ за коришћење плочастих плоча на слот машинама у Цровн Мелбоурнеу. Дугмад за затамњење уклонила су опције коцкања, укључујући онемогућавање нижих одредби опкладе и модификовање дугмади како би се омогућила забрањена аутоматска игра, 17.

Аустралија – Круна се суочава са дисциплинским мерама због „затварања дугмади“ на слотовима

Аустралијски оператер казина Цровн Ресортс могао би да суспендује своју лиценцу у Мелбурну од стране Викторијанске комисије за коцкање и регулацију алкохолних пића због „затварања дугмади“ на својим слот машинама. Иако је ово најгори сценарио, знаци нису добри јер је Викторијанска комисија за коцкање и регулацију алкохола потврдила да је покренула „дисциплински поступак против…

Australia – Crown accused of rigging slot machines at The Star

Crown Resorts, the operator of The Star casino in Melbourne, has been accused of manipulating its slot machines to prevent players from betting smaller amounts. Independent MP Andrew Wilkie has presented video evidence to the courts in Canberra following accusations from three former employees who claim they were told to modify buttons that allowed them…