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Таг Арцхивес: Лутрија

Министарство финансија позива на координацију у вези са државним прописима о спортском клађењу у Бразилу

During the 192nd Ordinary Meeting of the National Council of Fiscal Policy (Confaz), held in Fortaleza, Ceará, Dario Durigan, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance, proposed the creation of a new Working Group within the council to discuss state regulations for sports betting. According to a Confaz press release:  “Coordination among the federal entities…

Бразил – Врховни суд потврђује закон којим се успостављају лутрије за здравство и туризам

In a unanimous decision, the plenary of the Supreme Federal Court (STF) upheld the federal law authorizing the creation of Health and Tourism Lotteries allocating part of their profits to the National Health Fund (FNS) and the Brazilian Tourism Promotion Agency (Embratur). The Green Party (PV), the author of the action, wanted Law 14.455/2022 declared…

Колумбија – Приходи од територијалних игара у порасту

Revenue for so called “territorial games” (juegos territoriales) are on the rise according to the gambling board Coljuegos and the Consejo Nacional de Juegos de Suerte y Azar (National Council for Games of Chance and Gambling). Territorial games encompass provincially run landbased lotteries, instant game Raspa y Listo (available in most provinces) and the popular…

Brazil – Federal District lottery to go live in Brazil by September

State owned Brazilian bank The Bank of Brasília (BRB) announced that it intends to roll out the state lottery for the Federal District by September. Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (SCML) will be responsible for operating lotteries, instants and sports betting in the state. In a statement, the president of the BRB, Paulo Henrique Costa, said…

Доминиканска Република – Високи званичници ухапшени у случају корупције у коцкању

A well-known former presidential candidate and three former officials have been accused of embezzling nearly $350 million and illegal campaign financing. The case, called Operation Squid (Operación Calamar) by the Office of the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for the Prosecution of Administrative Corruption (Pepca) involves Gonzalo Castillo, a former public works minister who previously ran as presidential candidate…

Малта – Национална лутрија покреће понуду за малопродају

Малтешка Национална лутрија плц је инаугурисала свој нови концепт малопродаје у истој недељи када компанија обележава 100 година од првог извлачења лутрије. Инаугурација новог концепта малопродаје Националне лутрије чини саставни део инвестиционог програма у којем ће Национална лутрија доо уложити 10 милиона евра у наредних…

Brazil – Sergipe latest state to give sports betting the go ahead

Brazil’s smallest state, the state of Sergipe, is the latest to give sports betting the go ahead. The government issued Decree 159 which allows for the running of both a new state lottery and sports betting (including esports) by the private sector. Both will be supervised by the Secretary of Finance. It will be up…

Brazil – President signs new lotteries bill into law

President Jair Bolsonaro sanctioned Law No. 14,455 into law which creates the Health and Tourism Lotteries.  President Bolsonaro vetoed only one of the articles of the bill. Concession rules initially had to be published within 30 days after the publication of the law. However this 30 day limit was vetoed by President Bolsonaro as he…

UK – Pronet Gaming platform extends Tenlot’s reach

Pronet Gaming has signed a strategic agreement with Tenlot Group which will see its platform made available to major lottery suppliers. This significant strategic agreement will give Tenlot Group’s lotteries around the world, including World Lottery Association (WLA) members, the opportunity to utilise Pronet Gaming’s turnkey omni-channel solution. It marks a significant milestone for Pronet…