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Таг Арцхивес: Илегална казина

Мексико – Изненадни бум илегалних казина у Тамаулипасу

Федерација привредних комора (ФЕЦАНАЦО) у североисточној држави Тамаулипас ​​пријавила је пролиферацију илегалних казина у првих десет дана ове године на граници са Сједињеним Државама. Они захтевају да влада испита ситуацију пре него што се она још више прошири. Карлос Муњоз Гонзалес, потпредседник за безбедност ФЕЦАНАЦО…

Русија – Илегалне операције приморавају Тигре де Цристал да смањи своју понуду

Illegal operations in Russia have forced the Tigre de Cristal casino in Primorye gaming zone, close to Vladivostok, in the Far East to drastically reduce the size of its operation. Having opened the casino in November 2015, Craig Ballantyne, a Director at G1 Entertainment, which operates Tigre de Cristal, confirmed the casino had been forced…

Доминиканска Република – Доминикански приходи опадају како расте нелегално играње игара

According to data collected by The Directorate General of Internal Taxes (DGII) gaming revenues in the Dominican Republic are dropping year on year amongst fears that illegal gambling is growing. This is despite a number of crackdowns of late on illegal gambling and a thriving gaming industry. According to the most recent statistics Dominicans bet…

Русија – Руске власти заплениле скоро милион слотова

Руске власти су заплениле скоро милион слотова од када је коцкање у јулу 1. протерано на четири, ускоро пет, удаљена коцкарска подручја. Бројке које је објавило Генерално тужилаштво потврђују да је у петогодишњем периоду прегледано преко 2009 сумњивих локација са преко 100,000 нелегалних објеката за коцкање и 70,000 илегалних казина…

Russia – Russian illegals hit 61,000

Russian authorities have confirmed they have shut down more than 61,000 underground casinos and slot halls since gaming became illegal in all but the four remote gambling zones in 2009. The Prosecutor General’s Office said in a statement that the owners of underground gambling parlours have been fined a total of 602m rubles (US$17.1m), and…

Мексико – Непотпуна евиденција лиценци у Мексику

Mexico’s gaming regulating body has confirmed in a report that licences handed out under the previous administration are incomplete and in a state of disorder. The report, which covers the legality of casinos now operating in Mexico, is highly critical of the way licences have been handed out in the past claiming that records are…

Mexico – Over 40 casinos operating in Mexico without a licence

The Mexican Ministry of the Interior (SEGOB) has confirmed that there are a total of 43 casinos in Mexico which are operating illegally. The agency made the announcement while it delivering its report to the Special Commission of Gaming of the Chamber of Deputies explaining that just seven casinos have been closed this year.  In…

Greece – Illegal casinos earn as much legals in Greece

Illegal casinos in Greece are believed to be generating revenues as high as €150m a year with the first half of 2013 seeing police seize 81 roulette wheels and 1,280 electronic betting stations from illegal casinos around Athens. The illegal turnover is close to that of the top earning casinos in Greece at Mont Parnes…

Чиле – Илегалци смањују легитимни порез за 20 одсто

According to statements released by The Association of Chilean Casinos (ACCJ), illegal gaming is taking a heavy toll on the industry and has meant that gaming tax revenue is down by as almost as much as 20 per cent. Officials from the ACCJ which represents all of the privately owned casinos in Chile are putting…