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Таг Арцхивес: Хотел Цасино Цармело

Министарство туризма Уругваја расписује понуде за пројекат казина у Кармелу

The Ministry of Tourism of Uruguay announced the call for the sale of two properties conditioned to the construction and operation of a luxury hotel with a casino concession in the city of Carmelo. The permit for the operation of gambling games will be granted for a period of 20 years. According to the terms…

Уругвај- Одобрени услови тендера за нови казино у Кармелу

The specifications and the call for tender for the Carmelo Hotel Casino have been approved. The terms and conditions for the tender of the hotel, which is owned by the State, were developed by a commission composed of the Ministries of Tourism and Economy, the Office of Planning and Budget, the National Ports Administration, and…

Уругвај – Интерес расте како влада планира тендер за казино и хотел у Кармелу

A group of Chilean-German investors have shown an interest in taking part in the international tender for the Hotel Casino Carmelo. Members of the group told local news outlet Carmelo Portal that the biggest change that the proposal would have would be to establish a new concept of a “Hybrid Hotel” at the location. The…

Уругвај – Расте интересовање за казино и хотел у Кармелу

The Minister of Tourism, Tabaré Viera has told local press that there is growing interest in the hotel and casino in located in the town of Carmelo. Viera said that there are a number of potential buyers: “There are verbal expressions of interested parties. They have asked, they have requested plans, and others have toured the location.” According…

Уругвај – Влада отписује порески дуг и може отворити пут казину у Колонији

Members of the political party Partido Nacional in Colonia have approved a resolution that would write off a real estate tax debt generated by the Airemar Corporation. The corporation was in charge of the management of the Hotel Casino Carmelo between 1991 and 2020. The debt with the Municipality of Colonia amounts to 65 million…

Уругвај – Уругвајска влада тражи нове власнике за Хотел Цасино Цармело

Министарство туризма Уругваја тражи инвеститоре за реновирање хотела Цасино Цармело, чија концесија истиче 30. јуна. Њиме већ 28 година управља акционарско друштво. Након затварања због корона вируса, оператер који води казино вратио га је његовом власнику, Министарству туризма. Мартин…