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Таг Арцхивес: златна недеља

Кина – Златна недеља у Макау не успева да поново покрене индустрију казина

Macau’s Golden Week failed to deliver with just 139,280 visitors to the SAR during the usually bustling holiday period, representing a fall in visitation of 85.7 per cent compared to last year. JP Morgan analysts DS Kim, Derek Choi and Jeremy An said: “Choppy demand and dwindling hope of ‘return to normalcy in 2021’ make…

Кина – Коронавирус брише 50 одсто прва два дана Златне недеље у Макау

The first two days of Macau’s usually popular Golden Week have seen attendance figures wiped by nearly 50 per cent as travel restrictions are tightened to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, which has now killed 80 people and left 400 in a critical condition. The number of visitors arriving in Macau fell by 49.9…