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Таг Арцхивес: ФунКСНУМКС

Вијетнам – Фун88Зоне Нет се покреће у Вијетнаму

Fun88Zone Net has launched its official website in Vietnam, providing ordinary and standard links to access updated Fun88 from the Philippines. The famous house brand in the Asian market along with M88, W88, Fun88, is a betting playground that provides high-class online entertainment products for participants.  Fun88zone.net is one of the most geriatric bookmakers in…

УК – ФУН88 обнавља званично партнерство за клађење са Тотенхем Хотспуром за Азију и Латинску Америку

ФУН88 је обновио своју сарадњу са енглеским фудбалским клубом Премијер лиге Тотенхем Хотспур као својим званичним партнером за клађење за Азију и Латинску Америку, обележавајући десету годишњицу партнерства. ФУН88 ће наставити свој текући рад са клубом кроз низ активација за интеракцију са навијачима широм азијских тржишта. Бренд такође има…

Азија – Фун88 открива Дарена Семија као амбасадора бренда

Asian operator Fun88 has announced that West Indian cricket legend Daren Sammy is to become its new brand ambassador, having signed a multi-year deal with the brand. Fun88 has signed the 37-year-old as its first flagship cricket spokesman in an opening partnership to build on Fun88’s ongoing strategic alliance as official partner of the popular…

Isle of Man – Fun88 pens esports agreement with OG

Esports organisation OG has announced that Fun88 has signed a multi-year contract as their official global betting partner. Working in close collaboration with OG, Fun88 aims to help Dota 2 esports enliven its ecosystem by creating additional value that will contribute to the sport’s sustainability by optimising community interactions and continuing to grow the sport…

Trinidad – Fun88 becomes official partner for the Caribbean Premier League

The Hero Caribbean Premier League (CPL) has announced that Fun88 has become the official partner for its new 2020 season, the first elite T20 tournament since the outbreak of COVID-19 disrupted the global sporting calendar. The month-long T20 cricket tournament (18 August – 20 September) is known to be one of the most popular cricket…

UK – Newcastle United confirm new long-term commercial agreement with FUN88

Newcastle United have confirmed that FUN88 will remain the club’s primary partner after a new long-term commercial agreement was reached. As part of the new agreement, FUN88 – which has been on the first team kit since summer 2017 – will continue to feature on the front of players’ shirts and training wear. Lee Charnley,…

УК – Фун88 потписује Кобија Брајанта као амбасадора бренда

Basketball legend Kobe Bryant has been confirmed as the brand ambassador for global bookmaker, Fun88. 
 Kobe Bryant and Fun88 will work together to promote the brand in several key markets, such as Asia and the UK. Discussing the agreement, Mr. Bryant stated: “I’m extremely excited to work with Fun88 because I immediately connected to…

УК – Фун88 спонзор мајица Њукасл јунајтеда

ФУН88 је потписао трогодишње партнерство са Њукасл јунајтедом као званични партнер Сврака у дресовима у првој сезони клуба у Премијер лиги након освајања титуле шампиона. Лого ФУН88 ће бити истакнут преко чувене црно-беле пругасте мајице клуба у историјској години, док Њукасл јунајтед слави свој…