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Таг Арцхивес: Die Deutsche Automatenwirtschaft

Немачка – Портпарол одбора ДАВ позива да се узме у обзир „ризик од инфекције“.

Georg Stecker, spokesman for the board of the umbrella organisation Die Deutsche Automatenwirtschaft eV (DAW), has called for a scientific approach to how Germany reopens its various hospitality industries with ‘actual risk of infection on site’ to be taken into consideration. Mr. Stecker said: “No matter whether small or large. Whether industry, installation or wholesale….

Немачка – Петиција против планираног затварања дворана Рајнланд-Палатинат добила 1,500 потписа

A petition launched by the umbrella organisation Die Deutsche Automatenwirtschaft eV and the Automaten-Verband Rheinland-Pfalz eV in Germany against a planned state law amending the state gaming law on July 1 that threatens to close over half the state-licensed gambling halls has gained over 1,500 signatures in just 48 hours. The petition launched by the…

Немачка – Немачко удружење упозорава на уништење легалног играња игара и хиљада радних места

A state law amending the state gaming law (LGlüG) is to be introduced into the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament in December. The umbrella organisation Die Deutsche Automatenwirtschaft eV (DAW) and the Automaten-Verband Rheinland-Pfalz eV (AVRP) believe the faction bill could have devastating consequences on commercial slot machine in Rhineland-Palatinate along with its 4,000 employees. DAW board…