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Таг Арцхивес: Затварања

Czech – Czech casinos ordered to close for a fortnight as infection rates rise

Casinos in the Czech Republic were ordered to close once again from October 9 with the rate of infections continuing to rise. The closures will last for at least for 14 days. A curfew in restaurants has been brought forward to 8 p.m. The Grand Casino in Brno was the first casino to provide public…

UK – William Hill to keep 119 betting shops closed after COVID

William Hill will keep 119 of its High Street betting shops after the shutdown enforced to try and stem the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. The British bookie, who owns 1,500 UK outlets, customers would not return in the same quantity as before the pandemic. Whilst the closures will after 300 staff, most will be…

UK – Genting considering three permanent casino closures in the UK

Malaysian firm Genting Casino is reportedly going to keep three of its UK casinos closed permanently when COVID-19 operating restrictions. It is expected to announce redundancies across its remaining 29 casinos across the UK, according to union leaders. The casinos in question are those in Torquay, Bristol and Margate. The operator has detailed its plans…

УК – Вилијам Хил потврђује да је 700 затварања ЛБО на хоризонту

Виллиам Хилл је потврдио да је ушао у процес консултација са малопродајним колегама о плановима за затварање око 700 лиценцираних кладионичарских канцеларија. Група је изјавила: „Очекује се велики број отпуштања са 4,500 колега у опасности. Група ће настојати да широко примењује мере добровољног отпуштања и прераспоређивања и пружаће подршку…

South Africa – Sun International closes loss-making venues at home and abroad

South African casino operator Sun International has shut some of its loss-making operations at home and abroad to ease its debt with more closures to come if performances don’t improve. It will close the Fish River Sun Resort in the Eastern Cape, Sun Nao Casino in Colombia, pictured, and the International VIP Businesses in both…

Непал – Пет казина у Непалу суочено је са судским процесом

Пет коцкарница у Непалу суочено је са потенцијалним затварањем након што им је Министарство туризма поставило тродневни ултиматум да плате дуговане порезе или се суоче са судским процесом. Министарство је саопштило: „Услужили смо тродневни ултиматум казинима и мини-казинима који не плаћају порезе, и ако не послушају наредбе одељења, они…

Аргентина – Протести у Буенос Ајресу због затварања пет бинго сала

Bingo hall workers have staged a protest in front of the Presidential residence in Buenos Aires to protest against the closure of five bingo halls. Around 200 members of The Union of Gaming Workers (ALEARA) took part in the demonstration to protest against President Mauricio Macri’s decision not to allow bingo halls to remain open…

Панама – Златни лав и Сортис могли би да изгубе лиценце у Панами

Two large scale casinos in Panama are in danger of losing their licences due to allegations that the hotels attached to their premises are too small. In 1998 the government passed a wide sweeping gaming law which permitted casinos as long as they were part of five star hotel with a minimum of 300 rooms….

Mexico – Minister of Interior says crackdown will continue

The Head of Mexico’s Interior Ministry (SEGOB) Osorio Chong has restated his commitment to stronger regulation of the gaming industry. Mr Chong’s comments come after a number of high profile raids last week on six casinos in six states throughout Mexico. Speaking after a security meeting with the governors of the north-eastern region he said:…