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Таг Арцхивес: казино

Шири закон о коцкању ће се расправљати у Бразилу у мају

Комисија за правду и држављанство (ЦЦЈ) одржаће јавну расправу о предлогу закона ПЛ 2,234/2022, којим се овлашћује рад казина и бинго сала, легализује Јого до Бицхо и дозвољава клађење на коњске трке. Иако је расправа о предлогу закона била заказана за прошлу среду (24), гласање о његовом усвајању вероватно ће се десити тек...

Argentina – Governor pledges commitment to reclaiming landmark Necochea Casino

The governor of Buenos Aires province, Axel Kicillof, expressed his commitment to reclaiming the Necochea Casino Complex. During a visit to the city, he held a press conference addressing the building’s status. In December the mayor of Necochea, Arturo Rojas, told press that he was looking at the possibility of resuming the sale process of the once…

Уругвај- Одобрени услови тендера за нови казино у Кармелу

Одобрене су спецификације и позив за подношење понуда за хотел Цармело Цасино. Услове тендера за хотел, који је у државном власништву, израдила је комисија коју чине министарства туризма и привреде, Канцеларија за планирање и буџет, Национална управа лука и…

Uruguay – Lawmaker puts forward gambling bill aimed at curbing addiction

Deputy and evangelical pastor Álvaro Dastugue has presented a bill on gambling addiction to the Chamber of Representatives of Uruguay. The bill aims to establish regulations for the “prevention and regulation of excessive gambling consumption.” The focus of the proposed bill is specifically on physical casinos, and it has been referred to the Special Commission…

Uruguay – Plans for two casinos scrapped by government

The government’s plans to boost tourism through the construction of luxury hotels and casinos in La Paloma in the La Rocha department and the city of Paysandú in the Paysandú department have failed to attract private investors, resulting in both tenders being declared void according to local press. The process, initiated in August last year…

Paraguay – New bridge could lead to casino expansion

According to local press the construction of a bridge between Brazil and Paraguay called Integration Bridge (El Puente Internacional de la Integración)  will lead to  significant investments in both public and private infrastructure including investment in casino projects. The construction of the Integration Bridge between Brazil and Paraguay, along with a recent announcement of the construction of another…

Argentina – Government cuts hit casino sector ahead of summer season

The election of Javier Gerardo Milei as the new President of Argentina is already effecting the state run casino sector in the province of Buenos Aires according to reports in local press. Milei plans to make steep government spending cuts as part of an ambitious austerity program to balance the budget. The libertarian plans to privatize…

Argentina – Necochea casino could still be sold

The mayor of Necochea, Arturo Rojas, told press that he was looking at the possibility of resuming the sale process of the once well known Necochea casino on the Atlantic coast. However it could be some time before the sale is launched and it will depend on a number of factors.  “There are issues that do…

Мексико – Сенатор предлаже измене закона како би се омогућила казина у Акапулку

Сенатор Алехандро Рохас Диаз Дуран изнео је нови предлог који ће реформисати мексички закон о клађењу и томболи и омогућити отварање казина у Акапулку. Сенатор жели да казина добију зелено светло како би привукли инвестиције након што је ураган Отис слетио у октобру. Говорећи у сенату…