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Таг Арцхивес: бинго

Spain – Tax break for bingo halls in Galicia

The Regional Government of Galicia announced that in 2023 it will apply a major reduction on taxes that bingo halls have to pay. The decision was presented in the law of fiscal and administrative measures, presented with the budgets for the next period. According to the local site El Diario, the Regional Government of Galicia is…

Бразил – Законодавац каже да би закон о играма на срећу требало да буде одобрен пре краја године

Bill 442/91, which was passed in the lower house and is now in the senate, could be passed after the Presidential elections. The information was confirmed to local newspaper Bahia Notícias by Deputy João Carlos Bacelar Batista. Bacelar is a member of the Mixed Parliamentary Front for the Approval of the Regulatory Framework for Games…

УК – Деласпорт проширује понуду са ЕНД 2 ЕНД бинго производом

Деласпорт је склопио уговор са провајдером бинго за више играча у реалном времену ЕНД 2 ЕНД. Уговор омогућава добављачу технологије да понуди партнерима ЕНД 2 ЕНД бинго понуду заједно са својим другим производима и услугама. „Веома смо срећни што можемо да обезбедимо наш Бинго производ на респектабилној платформи величине и значаја Деласпорта“, коментарише…

UK – 888 completes £37m sale of bingo business

888 has completed the sale of its B2C and B2B bingo businesses to Saphalata Holdings Ltd., a member of the Broadway Gaming group. The total cash consideration of $45.25m (£37.4m) is payable on completion, and a further $2m unconditionally payable in one year. 888 has agreed to continue to provide Broadway certain transitional services for…

UK – Broadway to acquire 888’s B2C bingo and Dragonfish B2B business in $50m deal

Broadway Gaming Group is to acquire 888’s B2C bingo business and B2B bingo business, Dragonfish, in a deal worth $50m. The acquisition will augment Broadway’s expansion strategy and enhance its position within the UK bingo market where significant opportunities exist. Broadway’s purchase of the B2C and Dragonfish B2B offerings includes a potential earnout of up…

УК – Флуттер хвата Томбола бинго

Flutter Entertainment has bought Tombola, the UK’s most recreational online bingo operator and one of the UK market’s leading online bingo operators, for an enterprise value of £402m. Tombola, with teams primarily located in Sunderland and Gibraltar, is a successful bingo-led gaming company with an emphasis on providing a low staking bingo proposition to a…

УК – Мека оборила титулу Гинисове књиге рекорда поводом свог 60. рођендана

Mecca Bingo has celebrated its 60th birthday this weekend by breaking a Guinness World Records title.  It was certainly a night to remember on Saturday 13th November, as Mecca announced to all customers, staff and bingo lovers that it officially broke the Guinness World Records title for the most videos of birthday wishes/greetings uploaded to…

УК – Познате личности помажу Меки да обори Гинисову књигу рекорда

Мецца Бинго позива купце и љубитеље бинга широм земље да помогну у покушају обарања званичне титуле Гинисове књиге рекорда тако што ће снимити преко 5,000 видео рођенданских порука. Како би ове године прославила свој 60. рођендан, Мека покушава да обори нови рекорд креирањем највећег онлајн видео албума срећног рођендана…

UK – Mecca Bingo looks to break Guinness World Record

Mecca Bingo is calling on customers and bingo lovers across the country to help attempt break an official Guinness World Records title by recording over 5,000 video birthday messages. To celebrate its 60th birthday this year, Mecca is attempting to break a new record title by creating the largest online video album of happy birthday messages, from…