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Таг Арцхивес: Белл Фруит Гамес

УК – Белл-Фруит и Ендемол обнављају уговор о лиценцирању

Произвођач машина за игре у Нотингему Белл-Фруит Гамес (БФГ) и мултиплатформски провајдер забаве Ендемол УК обновили су свој уговор за феноменално успешну лиценцу ДЕАЛ ОР НО ДЕАЛ (ДОНД). Уговор, који тренутно траје осму годину, довео је до појаве више од 100 АВП, СВП, Цат Б3 и клупских производа у Великој Британији који...

UK – Bell Fruit comes of age with Deal Or No Deal approvals

Bell-Fruit Games officially celebrated its 50th year of trading with a grand party for all the staff at its factory in Leen Gate, Nottingham, on Friday, June 21. The event was preceded on the Thursday evening by a dinner at the city’s Harts Restaurant where several key industry figures were in attendance. As a measure…

UK – Astra Gaming Group strikes a high profile pose at Park Avenue

The Astra Gaming Group was well represented at this year’s Park Avenue with a stellar line-up of product dominating a significant footprint in the showroom of Electrocoin Sales. The latest titles from Astra Games, Bell-Fruit Games and Empire Games were on display, notably the former’s re-born version of the iconic Party Time. There was support,…