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Таг Арцхивес: БАЦТА

UK – Merkur UK raise charitable donations to £1.25m

Merkur UK has underlined its strong community credentials by making a £5,000 donation to the UK’s Bacta Charitable Trust. Industry figurehead and Chairman of the Trust, Jimmy Thomas, together with Bacta Chief Executive John White were on the Blueprint Operations stand at the recent EAG show to acknowledge the donation which was made on behalf…

UK – Bacta self-exclusion gains cyber essentials certification

Bacta Self-Exclusion Services (BESEL) has successfully acquired accreditation for the Government-backed Cyber Essentials scheme following an extensive audit. “We are thrilled to have gained Cyber Essentials certification, which gives us and our customers peace of mind that their data is as safe as possible from cyber attack,” says Russell Edge, bacta Membership SR and Compliance…

UK – OKTO joins bacta

OKTO, the award-winning fintech specialist, has strengthened further its relationship with the UK market by joining the domestic trade association bacta. The announcement follows the appointment of experienced gaming industry senior executive Rob Peché to the position of UK Country Manager. Simon Dorsen, CCO of OKTO, believes joining bacta reflects OKTO’s commitment to the UK…

UK – Bacta welcomes Commission’s findings on reduced problem gambling

The Gambling Commission has published its quarterly statistics on participation and problem gambling for the year to September 2021, showing that problem gambling has decreased significantly. The figures show that the overall problem gambling rate has dropped to 0.3 per cent, compared to 0.6 per cent in the year to September 2020. The moderate risk…

УК – Бацта именује менаџера за друштвену одговорност и усклађеност

Bacta has made a key appointment by recruiting Russell Edge to the role of Membership, Social Responsibility and Compliance Manager. The appointment is timely, as bacta has just gone live with its bactaPortal and Russell will maintain this, as well as overseeing and develop the bacta self-exclusion system. He will also act as Secretary to…

UK – Bacta lobbies hard during political conference

Bacta’s political engagement has hit the accelerator with the Party Conference season. Present at both Labour and Conservative gatherings, bacta’s President, Greg Wood, and Chief Executive, John White, held back to back meetings with the country’s political movers and shakers. ‘It has been intense’, said John White. ‘We have, since re-opening in May, been meeting…

УК – Бацта оснива Радну групу за техничке стандарде

Бацта је основала нову радну групу за техничке стандарде у индустрији како би осигурала да се сви релевантни стандарди индустрије машина за игре на срећу редовно ревидирају и дају препоруке релевантним телима како би били ажурни и да су у складу са сврхом. Групу чине произвођачи машина и оператери, као и Група за коцкање. Алан…

УК – Бацта се придружује удружењу УКХоспиталити

Бацта, трговачко удружење за индустрију машина за забаву, придружило се УКХоспиталити, телу које представља широки угоститељски сектор – покривајући све од барова, хотела, кафића, уговорних кетеринга, ноћних клубова, атракција за посетиоце, соба за бекство, куглана, независних и великих мултинационални сајтови. Генерални директор Бацта Џон Вајт рекао је: „Изузетно смо импресионирани одличним радом…

UK – EAG Online to take place in April

Registration is now open for EAG Online, taking place on April 20 to 21 2021. The event has been conceived to continue EAG International’s support for the entertainment, amusements, and gaming sectors in a safe and secure way during the Covd-19 pandemic. EAG Online has attracted the support of many of EAG’s exhibitors. Site visitors…