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Швајцарска – Нектонов ментор улази у Швајцарску са врхунским оператером СтарВегас.цх

By - 13. децембар 2021

Player protection and AML provider, Neccton, has scored another major success in Europe in a new partnership with Swiss iGaming operator StarVegas.ch, operated by land-based entity, Casino Interlaken.

StarVegas has been running under the casino’s auspices for two years now and enjoys a market-leading status partly thanks to its partnership with Greentube, as well as exclusive access to some of Novoline’s leading online slots, which makes it a player favourite.

Now those players will enjoy enhanced behind-the-scenes protection with Neccton’s ментор software package. The operator has opted to not only use the responsible gambling module – alerting both player and operator to problem behaviours in real time – they are also using ментор’s powerful Anti Money Laundering (AML) software module. This brings protection to the operator while helping meet the Swiss Federal Gaming Board’s understandably stringent licensing requirements.

StarVegas’s online players will now be playing while менторРешење засновано на вештачкој интелигенцији анализира њихово понашање у реалном времену како би спречило развој проблематичних навика коцкања. Софтвер препознаје могуће проблематично понашање и помаже и играчу и оператеру да идентификују и реше проблем.

ментор је револуционарни алат за праћење играча који упозорава оператера и директно контактира играче који показују критично понашање. На пример, играчи су информисани када се њихова учесталост депозита значајно повећава и помаже клијентима да донесу боље информисане одлуке о својој игри уз индивидуалне повратне информације.

Dr. Michael Auer, Director and Head of Development at Neccton, said: “Our business in Europe has really grown in the last couple of years, and we are really delighted that another leading operator has joined our family. Our AML module is becoming recognised as an essential part of any operator’s armoury, and this deal reinforces that.”

Jens Sellgrad, COO StarVegas, added: “With the introduction of the mentor software, StarVegas is the only Swiss online casino to offer our players the most innovative tool for responsible gaming. Mentor helped us to increase the efficiency of daily work processes and the quality in the fulfillment of legal requirements.”

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