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Непал – Сребрна баштина одржава свечано отварање Тигрове палате

By - 19. март 2018

Silver Heritage Group has now held the grand opening of its first 5-star integrated resort – Tiger Palace Resort in Bhairahawa, Nepal.

Led by a vision to transform South Asia’s entertainment landscape, the grand opening event was spread over two days, Saturday, 16 March and Sunday, 17 March 2018. Guests witnessed dance performances by Ukrainian troops and Thai Dancers along with performances by Bollywood’s dance sensations, Natasa Stankovic and Poonam Pandey.

Located in Bhairahawa, in southern Nepal’s subtropical Terai region, Tiger Palace Resort is just eight km north of the India-Nepal border. Easily accessible to Indian travellers, it is a short 2 hour 45 minutes drive from the Gorakhpur Airport (Uttar Pradesh, India) making it a perfect destination for those seeking a break from the usual, the regular, the boring. Surrounded by scenic vistas of the Himalayan foothills and with famous tourist attractions within reach such as the UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Lumbini – the birthplace of Lord Buddha, and Chitwan National Park – home to rare animals including one-horned rhinos and Bengal tigers, as well as close to the ancient cities of Kapilavastu, Devedaha and Palpa.
Отворено отварање хотела одржано је 20. септембра 2017.

The casino is spread over 2,500 sqm and features three distinct gaming zones which are on-par with some of the best in the world. For seasoned and high-stake players, it features a distinct Premium Mass and VIP area. The Premium Mass and VIP gaming area are expected to open soon. The casino features 44 gaming tables and over 200 electronic gaming machines, there is a capacity for a lot more. The casino also has a performance stage and stylish bar.

Тим Схепхерд, суоснивач и виши саветник, Силвер Херитаге Гроуп, рекао је: „Тигер Палаце Ресорт је наше прво интегрисано одмаралиште са пет звездица у потпуном власништву и под управом у Бхаирахави, Непал. Ово одмаралиште чини главни део основне стратегије раста Силвер Херитаге Гроуп фокусирања на развој казино одмаралишта на индо-непалској граници и искориштавања велике потражње индијских купаца за здравом дестинацијом за забаву. Непосредно циљно тржиште за одмаралиште се састоји од више од 15 милиона амбициозних индијских грађана средње класе који живе у року од шест сати путовања од одмаралишта, у државама укључујући Делхи, Утар Прадеш, Бихар и Западни Бенгал.

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