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Још више сајтова блокирано јер влада наставља са разбијањем илегалних сајтова у Бразилу

By - 3. фебруар 2025

Between October 2024 and January 2025, the Ministry of Finance, through the  Secretary of Prizes and Betting (SPA) determined the blocking of 9,600 illegal betting websites in Brazil.

A report from Valor Econômico points out that the crackdown on illegal sites commenced in October of the previous year when the initial list, which included over 2,000 domains, was submitted to the Национална агенција за телекомуникације (Анател). Shortly afterwards on October 31, a second list with 1,443 sites was also sent to the agency.

У децембру the SPA and the Национална агенција за телекомуникације (Анател) formalized a Technical Cooperation Agreement (ACT) to speed up and optimize the blocking of websites that exploit fixed odds betting illegally. The main focus of this measure is to create a swift and direct flow of information between the institutions, reducing operational costs and strengthening oversight in the sector. The Secretary of Prizes and Betting Регис Дудена, said at the time: “Anatel has already been a very relevant partner since we intensified our fight against illegality. Now, with the ACT, this relationship will be even more fluid and efficient, which is a gain for the country in the challenge of cleansing the betting sector of opportunistic and ill-intentioned groups.”

At present, only 76 companies have been authorized to operate in the country, with 70 regulated by the SPA and six authorized due to court rulings.

In addition to ISP blocking as of January 1, 2025, operators must have a website domain ending in “bet.br facilitating identification by users. Furthermore, Brazil has implemented strict measures against operators lacking the necessary licenses. Operators that do not have a license will face heavy sanctions according to Ordinance 1,233, published at the end of July, which includes a R$ 2 billion fine and a ban on applying for a license for up to 10 years.

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