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Јапан – Група НИКи & Цхиау Фву (Парквиев) потврђује да ће се надметати за казино Нагасаки

By - 25. јун 2021

THE NIKI and Chyau Fwu (Parkview) Group has submitted a proposal to build an Integrated Resort casino at Huis Ten Bosch theme park in Sasebo city, Nagasaki prefecture. It will take on Oshidori Consortium and Casino Austria, both of whom qualified for Nagasaki’s second round for the selection of a preferred developer.

The company stated: “NIKi & Chyau Fwu (Parkview) Group has applied for RFP of Kyushu Nagasaki Integrated Resort Development Project. We are aiming to set up the solid central control function in IR area and use this facility for the municipalities surrounding the bay area. By doing so, an IR site would become the model case to realize the Omura Bay Super Smart Community. Our team, consisting of domestic and local leading companies together with THE NIKI and Chyau Fwu, will be the core member of developing the Kyushu Nagasaki IR.”

Етсуко Оисхи, извршни потпредседник ТХЕ НИКИ, додао је: „Планирали смо и дизајнирали интегрисано одмаралиште светске класе за Нагасаки. Намеравамо да привучемо врхунске туристе у Кјушу, доприносећи ревитализацији локалне економије и постајући главна интернационална компанија у региону Азије. Радујемо се сарадњи са локалним заједницама и локалним самоуправама у процесу довођења водећег објекта у региону.

“The NIKI Chyau Fwu (Parkview) Group is leading a consortium of which Japanese companies make up the majority, but includes companies from various countries alongside local Kyushu companies. Further, it includes a large number of world-leading overseas partners, including major IR operators.”

The company has yet to confirm which casino operator it would partner with for the project.

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