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ДРГТ приказује водеће веб апликације на ИЦЕ-у
By Фил - 4. фебруар 2025
DR Gaming Technology (DRGT) was at ICE showing a collection of new class-leading web-based applications that, as was the case at G2E in Las Vegas in October, and BEGE in Sofia in November, generated a lot of attention.
The company showcased three specific new software add-ons at ICE 2025, as well as it’s updated drPlayerApp and all-new drStaffApp, all of which are aimed at providing casino operators (and their players) with quicker, easier, and more accessible tools to better manage their floors (and their gaming experience).
The company’s iOS and AndroiddrPlayerApp includes several further updates and additions after its showing in Las Vegas in October (and several direct user-insights) and now leverages the outcomes of their drAnalytics reports even better. The user-friendly and easy-to-navigate UX, and easy-on-the-eye UI, continue to push the boundaries of contemporary design, and lead the drive towards truly cashless ‘tap and play’ gaming, as well as the Company’s unparalleled player reward options, promotions, raffles, loyalty and bonusing technology; whilst the all-new
drStaffApp, also available for Android and iOS, provides staff with real-time gaming floor alerts and event notifications via end-to-end encrypted direct messaging including real-time and daily results, big wins, flagged player arrivals, EGM occupancies and AML exceptions to name but a few – all in the palm of their hand, anywhere and at any time.
drServiceHub forms the foundation for both the Groups new drFloorManager and drAnalytics tools and provides a single avenue through which to manage all casino equipment, identify and report on ‘significant events’ as well as EGM maintenance, and the ability to group and filter different types of devices.
drFloorManagerin turn shows a live real-time view of the casino floor and is accessible from anywhere on any devices; detailing not only EGM game play activity, but player activity too with an easy-to-use ‘one click’ drill down into individual player profiles.
drAnalytics, the ‘jewel’ in the Company’s current reporting crown, provides unparalleled data insights, with intuitive reporting and an easy-to-use dashboard builder, an embedded formula editor (ideal for operator-specific KPI customisation) and a range of versatile data visualization grids, pivot tables, charts, and trend indicators;
Chief Executive Officer, Marco Herrera said: “The two applications that drew the most interest were drAnalytics and our all-new drStaffApp, both of which are aimed directly at empowering operators to serve customers better. We all know that the key differentiator for any business is how it engages, understands, and services its customers – these tools take those differentiating capabilities to literally the next level. One of the main reasons I joined the Company last year was its player first design mantra, and its unwavering commitment to its customers to continue to develop and deliver tools that allow them to do that better than anyone else – I firmly believe we are meeting that mandate.”
Jurgen De Munck, the Group’s former CEO and now Executive Chairman, said; “What Clarion delivered, at what for all intents and purposes was a green fields event for them, us as exhibitors, and the thousands of attendees at ICE Barcelona was phenomenal. Out booth location was prime, the dedicated halls for both us and our online colleagues worked a treat, as did the logistics prior to, during and after the show – a job very well done.”
Mr Herrera added: “Having lived in Barcelona for 5 years, I was really excited to return, however, I was a little anxious to see how well the city, and of course the new venue, would manage to match up to what we had all become accustomed to at ExCel, London; and I was blown away. In addition to the exhibition itself, as alluded to by Jurgen, we hosted an invite only customer event on the Monday night, and it too was phenomenal. The setting at 1881 per Sagardi was breath-taking and the food and atmosphere second to none – the feedback from our attending friends and customers was fantastic. We’ve already made our booking for 2026.”