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Austria – WINWIN selects ComTrade as G2S partner

By - 18. септембар 2013

ComTrade Gaming has announced that WINWIN will be integrating the ComTrade Gaming sCore G2S protocol engine to their gaming machines. The G2S protocol is the key to distributed gaming operations supporting all new features such as event and meters collections, game play control, game download and remote configuration. WINWIN currently operates in Austria 13 outlets with 833 terminals (ввв.винвин.ат).

Нови аустријски закон наводи да све електронске машине за игре на срећу и терминали за видео лутрију у Аустрији морају бити повезани на централни контролни систем који обезбеђује Бундесрецхензентрум ГмбХ (БРЗ). Савезни рачунарски центар Аустрије – Бундесрецхензентрум (БРЗ) је водећи партнер за е-управу савезне администрације у Аустрији. Недавно је БРЗ добио задатак да повеже електронске апарате за игре на срећу и терминале за видео лутрију путем централног контролног система јер је рад електронских апарата за игре на срећу потребно пратити у оквиру законских услова.

ComTrade Gaming sCore, The Gaming Systems Management technology is driving major change and innovation in the land-based gaming market. ComTrade Gaming sCore platforms operate by connecting terminals from all leading EGM suppliers to a central server, from where terminals can be monitored and configured in real time. ComTrade Gaming sCore group of product consist of the Central Control Systems for Government, Server Based Gaming/Server Supported Gaming solutions and G2S/S2S protocol stack solutions.

ComTrade Gaming is an active member of Gaming Standards Association and is co-developing G2S and S2S standard and has a track record of more than 15 successful implementations of G2S and S2S standards. General Manager of ComTrade Gaming, Ales Gornjec has said “This type of partnership only cements how wide ComTrade’s product offering is and how it can help gaming operators, both landbased and online, further their security reach whilst still offering the end user a sleek and secure experience”

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