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Таг Арцхивес: Мелцо Ресортс

Мелко иде у Коломбо са Цити оф Дреамс Шри Ланком

Мелцо Ресортс & Ентертаинмент је у партнерству са Јохн Кееллс Холдингс-ом, највећим котираним конгломератом на берзи у Коломбу, како би свој бренд казина Цити оф Дреамс пренео на Шри Ланку као део развоја од милијарду америчких долара плус интегрисаног развоја казино одмаралишта у централном Коломбу. У оквиру партнерства, интегрисано одмаралиште, које је раније…

China – Huge increases in Macau help drive 220 per cent increase for Melco

Melco Resorts & Entertainment generated operating revenues for the second quarter of 2023 of US$947.9m, representing an increase of approximately 220 per cent from US$296.1m for the comparable period in 2022. The increase in total operating revenues was primarily attributable to the improved performance in all gaming segments and non-gaming operations primarily due to the…

Кипар – Мелцо најављује да се Цити оф Дреамс Медитерранеан отвара у Лимасолу 10. јула

Melco Resorts & Entertainment is pleased to announce City of Dreams Mediterranean will open on Monday, July 10, 2023. Bringing a one-of-a-kind development to Cyprus, City of Dreams Mediterranean is the first integrated resort in Europe, showcasing an unparalleled array of offerings, including Europe’s grandest casino, fine dining, extensive entertainment, and the biggest expo center in Cyprus. Grant Johnson,…

Кина – Потврђен повратак Макаа јер је Мелко порастао за 51 одсто

Melco Resorts & Entertainment reported total operating revenues for the first quarter of 2023 of US$716.5m, representing an increase of approximately 51 per cent from US$474.9m for the comparable period in 2022. The increase in total operating revenues was primarily attributable to the improved performance in all gaming segments primarily due to the relaxation of…

China – Macau weighs heavy on Melco but Manila and Cyprus see growth

Melco Resorts & Entertainment generated revenues for the fourth quarter of 2022 of US$337.1m, representing a decrease of approximately 30 per cent from US$480.6m for the comparable period in 2021. The decrease in total operating revenues was primarily attributable to the heightened travel restrictions in Macau and mainland China related to COVID-19 during the quarter…

China – Macau takes huge bite out of Melco Resorts’ third quarter revenues

Melco Resorts & Entertainment reported revenues for the third quarter of 2022 of US$241.8m, representing a decrease of approximately 46 per cent from US$446.4m for the comparable period in 2021. The decrease in total operating revenues was primarily attributable to the government mandated temporary closure of our casinos in Macau in July and heightened travel…

Кина – Мелцо подноси „детаљан предлог“ за нове концесије за игре на срећу у Макау

Melco Resorts & Entertainment, a developer, owner and operator of integrated resort facilities in Asia and Europe, has announced that Melco Resorts (Macau) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, submitted its detailed proposal in relation to the public tender for new gaming concessions launched by the Macau Government in July this year. Lawrence Ho, Chairman…

Кипар – Град снова Медитеран ствара приход док Макао црпи профит за Мелцо

Отворен у лето 2023., Цити оф Дреамс Медитерранеан био је светла нота у укупном мраку Мелцо Ресортс анд Ентертаинмент позива о зарадама у другом кварталу. Укупни оперативни приходи Кипарских казина за квартал који се завршио 30. јуна 2022. износили су 21.7 милиона УСД, у поређењу са 10.0 милиона УСД у другом кварталу 2021. Казина на Кипру…

Кина – Студио Цити смањује губитак како К4 благо расте

Melco Resorts’ Studio City casino resort located in Cotai, Macau, generated fourth quarter revenues of US$28.4m, compared to total operating revenues of US$23.7m in the fourth quarter of 2020. Total operating revenues for the fourth quarter of 2021 were US$28.4m, compared to total operating revenues of US$23.7m in the fourth quarter of 2020. The change…